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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
cogwheel & flame 9, 35
cogwheel & flower 3
cogwheel & lamp 1
cogwheel & lines 9
cogwheel & oval 6
cogwheel & square 9, 12
cogwheel & star 35
cogwheel antenna lightning 16
cogwheel arcs & arrows 7, 12, 35, 37, 39, 42
cogwheel arcs & square 21
cogwheel circles & stars 41
cogwheel leaves & arc 31
cogwheel leaves & arcs 1
cogwheel man circle & hamme 6
cogwheel woman & circle 24
148 +cogwheel & circle 43
303 GOOD LUCK +cogwheel 24
36 GADIYA +cogwheel 30
cogwheel 42
37 +cogwheel 34
3S +arrow triangle cogwheel 9
46 +cogwheel 26
500 +cogwheel 34
55 saree fall +cogwheel 26
744 brand +cogwheel 24
7TH GEAR +cogwheel 12
cogwheel 3
999 TC GROUP +cogwheel 7
A +cogwheel 7, 16
A +cogwheel & wreath 7
A ADMIR OVENS +cogwheel 7
A AGNEE +cogwheel & flames 7
A AJMERA +cogwheel triangle 19
A ALIF OVENS +cogwheel 7, 35
A AMAR +wreath & cogwheel 35
cogwheel 7
A ARIHANP ACADEMY +cogwheel 41
cogwheel 7
A TIGGS +cogwheel 7
A-1 SKC +cogwheel 29
A.1 SKC +cogwheel 29
A.P.B.N.S.S.S +cogwheel 42
cogwheel 6
A2Z ENGINEERS +cogwheel 37
AA +cogwheel 12
AADHARSHILA +cogwheel 30
cogwheel 17
AAHMAIA +cogwheel 32
AAM +cogwheel 12
ABBU GOLD +birds & cogwheel 25
ABL +cogwheel 7
AC SYR +cogwheel 16, 35, 41, 42, 44
ACCO TECH +cogwheel & oval 7
ACCRO-TECH +cogwheel 9
ACCUMAX +cogwheel 7, 8
cogwheel 41
ACI +cogwheel 2
AD AJMERA +cogwheel triangl 37
AD KARLO +cogwheel 35
ADG +cogwheel 12, 35
cogwheel 7
ADICO +cogwheel 6, 7
ADICO +cogwheel & plants 12
ADICO +cogwheel & plough 4, 6
ADICO +plants & cogwheel 12
ADICO +plough & cogwheel 4, 7, 12
cogwheel 7
ADITI +horse globe cogwheel 7
ADITYA +sun & cogwheel 12
ADVS ANNKUT +man & cogwheel 30
AE +cogwheel 7
AE ADICO +cogwheel 7
AE ALICON +cogwheel & oval 7
AEC +cogwheel 6, 9, 35
cogwheel 35
AEU national +cogwheel plan 7
AF K. AMBICA +cogwheel 24
AFR +cogwheel 6
AGECON +cogwheel 7
AGL gears +cogwheel 12
AGNI STEEL +cogwheel 6
cogwheel 35
AGROKING +cogwheel triangle 7
AGROTEC +cogwheel & stripes 5
AI +cogwheel 12
AIAITT +cogwheel & building 41
AIET +flower & cogwheel 41
AIJ +cogwheel 41
AIKIN +ic & cogwheel 41
AIR-FIT +cogwheel & arcs 25
AJANTHA +cogwheel 7
AK +cogwheel & square 21
AK +plant & cogwheel 6
AK +plant oval & cogwheel 7, 35
AKG PRODUCT +cogwheel 18
AKSHAR PARTS +cogwheel 12
AKSHI +cogwheel 30
AL BARAKA +cogwheel & wreat 30
AL HADHA +cogwheel & wreath 30
ALBARAKA +cogwheel & wreath 16
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